Professor Sjoerd Harder
Winner: 2020 Main Group Chemistry Award
Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
For pioneering contributions in the field of s-block metal chemistry, particularly in the area of alkaline earth metal catalysis.
Celebrate Professor Sjoerd Harder
More serious ambitions to do something in chemistry started at high school with a crazy chemistry teacher, Mr Griffioen, who looked exactly like Mendeleev.
Professor Harder’s work lies in organometallic chemistry, an area that combines organic molecules with metals. Organometallic compounds are so reactive that they burn away with contact in air – not just through oxygen, some react with nitrogen in air, despite this being a gas that is normally fully inert. This reactivity may seem dangerous and unattractive but it also opens up many possibilities, for example applications in synthesizing new molecules or in catalysis – the art of making difficult reactions happen under mild conditions. Most catalysts are, like the platinum catalyst in cars, based on highly precious transition metals. Professor Harder’s mission is to show that cheap and widely available main group metals can also do catalysis, and in some reactions, calcium can replace precious metals. Calcium, which is highly abundant in the white cliffs of Dover, is not just cheap, it is also non-poisonous.
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