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5th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EICC-5)

24 - 28 June 2019, Moscow, Russian Federation

Conference topics:
The conference will be organized in parallel sessions covering broadly
*     Coordination and supramolecular chemistry
*     Catalysis and organometallic chemistry
*     Transition metal and main group chemistry
*     f-Block chemistry
*     Reaction mechanisms
*     Computational chemistry
*     Medicinal and bioinorganic chemistry
*     Magnetochemistry
*     Energy and photochemistry
*     Inorganic and organoelement materials
The conference program will include plenary, invited and keynote lectures, oral, flash and poster presentations.
Russian Academy of Sciences

Conference Halls of main building of Russian Academy of Sviences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr.32a , Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

Useful links

Organised by
Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society and Russian Academy of Sciences under suprvision of EuChemS

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