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Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance

31 March 2025 10:00 - 1 April 2025 16:00, Southampton , United Kingdom


Conference Focus

"Frontiers in Magnetic Resonance" seeks to provide a comprehensive platform for exploring the latest advances and innovative applications across the entire breadth of Magnetic Resonance. 

This event welcomes contributions from researchers in the broadest field of magnetic resonance to discuss the most recent developments, key challenges, and emerging opportunities of this fascinating discipline.

Registration Fees

All registration fees include two full days of conference attendence and attendence at the conference dinner on the evening of 31st March.

Early Bird Fees are as follows:
鶹AV Member (early bird) = £160
鶹AV Non-Member (early bird) = £170
鶹AV Member Student (early bird) = £140
鶹AV Non-Member Student (early bird) = £150

Standard Registration Fees are as follows:
鶹AV Member (standard) = £170
鶹AV Non-Member (standard) = £180
鶹AV Member Student (standard) = £150
鶹AV Non-Member Student (standard) = £160

Bursaries and Financial Support

There is an open call for NMR Discussion Group bursaries of up to £400 to attend scientific meetings, workshops. The application deadline for this round is 1st March. These bursaries are typically for PhD students and early career scientists in industry who do not have access to alternative travel funds but in some cases, support will be provided for PDRAs and scientists in a later career stage.
Please visit https://forms.microsoft.com/e/YekSirJbjP  for more details and to apply.

Invited Speakers

Prof. Mark Smith (University of Southampton)
Prof. Lyndon Emsley (EPFL)
Prof. Kevin Brindle (University of Cambridge)
Prof. Teresa Carlomagno (University of Birmingham)
Prof. Józef Lewandowski (University of Warwick)
​Prof. Malcolm H. Levitt (University of Southampton)


University of Southampton, UK

Meeting Schedule

Day 1
09:00- 10:15
Registration and Coffee

10:15 – 10:30
Giuseppe Pileio

Session 1 (Chair - Giuseppe Pileio)
10:30 – 11:00
Mark Smith
Probing Atomic Ordering, Bonding Arrangements and Magnetic Properties in Inorganic Materials with Magnetic Resonance

11:00 – 11:20
Steven P. Brown
NMR Crystallography of Pharmaceuticals

11:20 – 11:40
Nouran Hamed
Shedding light on reaction mixtures: disentangling 1H spectra using 19F signals

11:40 – 12:00
Daniel A. Taylor
Automated SABRE-hyperpolarised benchtop NMR spectroscopy

12:00 – 12:20
Mohamed Sabba
Surprises in strongly-coupled nuclear spin-1/2 pairs: new strategies for efficient double-quantum excitation

12:20 – 13:40

Session 2 (Chair - Phil Williamson)
13:40 – 14:10
Teresa Carlomagno
Methods for structure determination of RNA and RNA-protein complexes by solid-state NMR

14:10 – 14:30
Murari Soundararajan
Probing the density of states of the superconductor Rb3C60 with site-selective 3He NMR relaxation studies

14:30 – 14:50
Zheqi Jin
Generative Machine Learning for Automating Structure Elucidation in Synthesis

14:50 – 15:10
Stuart Elliott
Stretch-Induced Ordering of Prochiral Dimethyl Sulfoxide in Anisotropic Hydrogels Analysed by 1H and 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

15:10 – 16:00
Coffee Break + Posters

Session 3 (Chair - Jon Swann)
16:00 – 16:20
Elizabeth Wimborne
Using 1H NMR-based metabolomics to explore how early life exposures modulate development

16:20 – 16:40
Trey Koev
Molecular imaging of long-acting injectable formulations by NMR spectroscopy

16:40 – 17:00
Adam Gaunt
Radical-Free Hyperpolarized Substrates: Non-persistent Radicals for Dissolution DNP

17:00 – 17:30
Kevin Brindle
Imaging tumour metabolic subtypes and their responses to treatment

17:30 – 19:00
Reception Drinks + Posters

19:00 – 21:00
Social Dinner

21:00 – 22:00
All invited to Stags Pub
Day 2

Session 4 (Chair – Malcolm Levitt)
09:00 – 9:30
Lyndon Emsley
High-field optically induced NMR hyperpolarization in solids
09:30 – 9:50
George Bacanu
NMR of endofullerenes and endofullerides
09:50 – 10:10
Joseph Hurd
Triangulation of guest species in porous frameworks using solid-state NMR spectroscopy
10:10 – 10:30
Daniel Dawson
Understanding pNMR Spectra of Solids
10:30 – 10:50
Shrestha Banerjee
“Pseudo-halides” in metal halide perovskites: Investigating incorporation, binding modes, dynamics, and effect on stability by ssNMR
10:50 – 11:30
Coffee Break + Posters
Session 5 (Chair - Melanie Britton)
11:30 – 11:50
Ran Eitan Abutbul
NMR and DNP Techniques for Probing Surface and Core Environments in Semiconducting Nanocrystals
11:50 – 12:10
Daria Torodii
Observation of 1H-1H J-Couplings in Fast MAS Solid-State NMR
12:10 – 12:30
Paul Hodgkinson
New mechanisms of relaxor ferroelectricity revealed by solid-state NMR
12:30 – 13:00
Józef Lewandowski
Adventures in fast magic angle spinning
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch Break + Posters
Session 6 (Chair - Thomas Robertson)
14:00 – 14:20
Manoj Nimbalkar
Empowering surgeons with real-time precision and efficiency with innovative instrumentation and methods for enhanced surgical outcomes in breast cancer using the FFC NMR method
14:20 – 14:40
Elizaveta Suturina
Synergy of paramagnetic NMR and computational chemistry
14:40 – 15:00
Alexander van der Ham
NMR Experiments in the Context of Liquid-state Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
15:00 – 15:20
Ellie Davies
Selective TOCSY-2DJ Spectroscopy
15:20 – 15:50
Malcolm Levitt
The Return of Symmetry-Based Pulse Sequences
15:50 – 16:00
Closing Remarks
16:00 - onwards
Coffee and Departure

Travel and Accommodation Guidance

Please see downloadable documents on the right of this page


Sponsorship & supporting organisations
University of Southampton

Garden Court, Building 40, University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton , SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

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