ࡱ> IKH vbjbjWW 7&55e """8Z$~,"<21111111$46j1141j+1(*i$FDHF)"+ 20<2):7:7D*:7*11*<2:7 : Analytical Tools for Cutting-edge Metabolomics a joint meeting of the Analytical Division of the 鶹AV and the International Metabolomics Society ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM Abstracts are welcome from: early career scientists for oral or poster presentation all scientists for poster presentation Please note that you must have registered for the Conference before submitting an abstract Registration number: ........................................ Society membership Are you or will you be a member of the 鶹AV in 2014? Yes/No (delete as appropriate) 鶹AV membership number: Do you hold student membership of The 鶹AV? Yes/No (delete as appropriate) Are you or will you be a member of the Metabolomics Society in 2014? Yes/No (delete as appropriate) Do you hold student membership of the Metabolomics Society? Yes/No (delete as appropriate) Travel grants and bursaries The organisers are keen to promote the attendance and oral contributions from early-career scientists. Both the Analytical Division of the 鶹AV and the Metabolomics Society are pleased to contribute several travel awards of up to 200 each, to offset the costs of travel and registration. To be eligible for these awards, the recipient must be either: A student member of the 鶹AV and a member of the Analytical Division, or a student member of the Metabolomics Society OR An early career scientist (up to 5 years post PhD) who is either a member of the Analytical Division of the 鶹AV or is a member of the Metabolomics Society. These travel grants will be decided based upon the quality of the submitted abstracts for oral presentation and each of the recipients will be required to give a short oral presentation during the early-career speaker's session. In addition, the best of these presenters will be awarded the Metabolomics Society's best talk prize. To be considered for these awards you must be a member of one of both organisations for the calendar year of 2014 and membership is required to be completed by February 28th 2014. Abstract is to be considered for the following session (delete as appropriate) Early Career Scientist Oral presentation (there are 4 presentation slots available in the programme) Poster (there will be a maximum of 24 posters) Notes: You may submit only one abstract for the meeting. Abstracts submitted but not selected for an oral presentation will be automatically submitted for a poster presentation unless we are notified otherwise. If you are submitting an abstract as an Early Career Scientist, then: Date that you were awarded your PhD: ........................................... PLEASE GO TO NEXT PAGE Name: Affiliation: Title: Abstract: (maximum of 250 words) Once completed please save this file in .doc or .docx format ONLY and submit to Kate Marrs [Kate.Marrs@LGCGroup.com] by March 21st 2014.     * + ,  # $ % & D E q s Ĺxl`l`lUUJl>h]ch#75^JaJh]ch[^JaJh]ch]Z^JaJh]ch85N5^JaJh]ch[5^JaJh]ch9L5>*^JaJh]chC5>*^JaJh]ch]c5^JaJh]chE]"5>*^JaJh]ch]c^JaJh]chE]"^JaJh]chE]"5^JaJh]ch[5>*CJ^JaJh]ch'n/5>*CJ^JaJh]ch)#5>*CJ^JaJ2 + , E t : $$Ifa$gdC $$Ifa$gd]c & F$Ifgd]c & F$IfgdE]" $Ifgd $$Ifa$gd[s t   : u p$%E[s}  ŹŹŮܠ܇{Źpphph]U]hgK^JaJh]ch]c^JaJh(0G^JaJh]ch#7^JaJh]ch9LH*^JaJh]ch9L^JaJh]ch9L5>*^JaJh]chC5>*^JaJh]ch[^JaJh]ch85N5^JaJh]ch[5^JaJh]ch'n/^JaJh]chC^JaJh]chC5^JaJh]ch'n/5^JaJ!  %p$%t #$uvw $$Ifa$gdx$$If^a$gd]c$ & F $Ifa$gdC$ & F $Ifa$gdC $$Ifa$gdC $IfgdC $Ifgd[#0@$tuwxyzźxjjZJ?h85NhCJ^Jh]ch5CJ\^JaJh]chC5CJ\^JaJh]chC5CJ^JaJh]ch)#5CJ^JaJhx5CJ^JaJhgKhgK^JaJh]chx^JaJhx^JaJhxh^JaJhxhx^JaJhxhx5^JaJh]c5^JaJh]ch[^JaJhgK^JaJh]ch]c^JaJhj^JaJwxyz7kd$$IflX X X 4 lal$If $IfgdC $$Ifa$gdgK $$Ifa$gdx )PSYZ^cdefhiklnoqtuv讦tlhlhlhlhdhhh'jh'Uh+p5CJ^JaJhgK5CJ^JaJhgKh(0G5CJ^JaJhgKhgK5CJ^JaJh(0GCJ^JhCJ^Jh]Zhim^JaJmH sH h85Nh5CJ^Jh]Z5CJ^Jh85Nh5CJ\^Jh85NhCJ^Jh]chCCJ^JaJo]$ x$Ifa$gd]Z7kd$$IflX X  X 4 lal $Ifgd]Z$IfIkdT$$Ifl7X X   X 4 lalp eghjkmnpqrstuvgd$a$gdgKgdCgd]ZIkd-$$IflX X      X 4 lalp 5 01h:p]c. 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