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Should your abstract be selected for an oral presentation, all reasonable travel expenses may be reimbursed by sending copies of receipts to  HYPERLINK "mailto:stephen.byard@arcinova.com" stephen.byard@arcinova.com Registration form for oral or poster presenters: Please return completed registration form by email to  HYPERLINK "mailto:matthew.wallace@uea.ac.uk" matthew.wallace@uea.ac.uk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鶹AV NMR Discussion Group Postgraduate Meeting 2019 Name: . Affiliation (Research Group and Establishment): .... . . Email:.. Contact Telephone: Postal Address:.. .. Presenting Delegate (oral or poster) q Preference for Oral q or Poster q Presentation; Willingness to present work via Oral presentation if requested: Yes q No q Status (e.g. postgraduate / post-doc / industrial)& & & & & & & & & & & ...& & & & & Your abstract should be prepared in the template provided and accompany this form. It should contain a maximum of 500 words, as a full page document, and may be accompanied by one grey scale graphical abstract summary. You should submit your form and abstract electronically as pdf or Word email attachments to  HYPERLINK "mailto:matthew.wallace@uea.ac.uk" matthew.wallace@uea.ac.uk If you do not receive confirmation of receipt for your abstract, within five working days, please re-send your abstract to  HYPERLINK "mailto:stephen.byard@arcinova.com" stephen.byard@arcinova.com. Non-presenting delegates should register via the link on the NMR DG website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.nmrdg.org.uk/"http://www.nmrdg.org.uk/ - details coming soon) and submit their remittance via the online credit card facility. Poster/Oral Abstract (Maximum 500 words with up to 1 small image, not exceeding one A4 page in total. Abstracts longer than this may be edited down) Title Presenting Author,1 Co-Author,2 Co-Author1,2 1Affiliation One 2Affiliation Two  !()*6=z  \ ] p Էԯԧwwgw_W_WSh~9h@B*phh/B*phhNhi0J56CJaJjhi56CJUaJhi56CJaJhihi56CJaJhiCJaJh@CJaJht^CJaJhlhlCJaJ hlhlhgCh@CJaJhlh@CJaJhyPCJaJhihyPCJ$aJhihi6CJ(\] !)*   f g  $d^a$gd~9$a$gdlgdl $ & Fa$gdi   J K d e   p ` 24JL 0@GHR`ah/OJQJ^Jh~9OJQJ^Jh@OJQJ^Jh@B*OJQJ^Jphh@OJPJQJ^Jh@OJQJ^JhyPhl h@PJh@h4+>*B*phh4+jh4+U h@5\ h~95\5  ) * o p - . _ `  ln @ ^@ `023LMO^}~gh!#ְ੟vk`kh/5OJQJ^Jh@5OJQJ^Jh~9OJQJ^Jh@0JOJQJ^Jjh@Ujh@Uh@OJQJ^J h/h/h@h/h/0J6CJjh/h/6CJU h"6CJh/h/6CJh/h]%h4+0Jjh4+Uh4+ h4+h4+!$$$$a$$#(-Ae$$$˾Uh@6OJQJ\^Jh@H*OJQJ\^Jh@OJQJ\^Jh@>*OJQJ\^Jh@5OJQJ\^Jh@mH sH h~95OJQJ^Jh@5OJQJ^Jh/5OJQJ^JhgC5OJQJ^JAbstract Text Here 21h:pl. 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