ࡱ> CEB bjbjBrBr 46   $ tZZZ$7Z8ZZZZZ8MZRZ gpFc0333HZZZZZZZ88ZZZZZZZ3ZZZZZZZZZ : Heterocyclic & Synthesis Group January Meeting 2013. Registration Form This popular annual meeting will be held on Friday 4th January 2013 at Queen Mary University of London (Arts 2 Lecture Theatre, Arts 2 Building) starting at 10.20am. Tea/Coffee will be served outside the Lecture Theatre from 9.45am. Directions & Campus Map: http://www.qmul.ac.uk/about/howtofindus/mileend/index.html Lectures will be given by: Professor Norbert de Kimpe (Ghent University), Professor Michal Hocek (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University, Prague), Professor Mark Bagley (University of Sussex), Dr Martin Smith (University of Oxford), Dr Alison Stuart (University of Leicester) and Dr Jeff Richardson (Eli Lilly) The meeting will include the AGM of the Heterocyclic and Synthesis Group, which will run during lunch. 鶹AV, Heterocyclic and Synthesis Group January Meeting 4th January 2013 Queen Mary University of London Student/retired:15Post-doctoral workers:20Heterocyclic and Synthesis Group Member:25Non-member of Heterocyclic and Synthesis Group:35Non-member of 鶹AV:45Buffet Lunch (extra)10 Name(s) [and title]:1. ....................................................................Fee: .............................. 2. ....................................................................Fee: .............................. 3. ....................................................................Fee: .............................. 4. ....................................................................Fee: ..............................  TOTAL Remittance: Affiliation/address: E-mail (of lead/contact name): Please return this form to arrive not later than December 18th 2012, with remittance to the Secretary: Dr Adrian Dobbs, Joseph Priestley Building, School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, QMUL, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS. Cheques should be made payable to Heterocyclic Group. If you wish to pay by Bank transfer, please contact the Group Secretary. Participants should note that parking on the QMUL campus is not possible; parking nearby is difficult and metered parking spaces will be at a premium, so we advise public transport. The campus is just five minutes walk from the nearest Underground station Mile End (District and Central lines). Dr Adrian Dobbs (email: A.Dobbs@qmul.ac.uk) Queen Mary University of London  ()/045IK~M ඩ~n^n~n~M!h~hYNB*CJOJQJphhX5B*CJOJQJphhlQ5B*CJOJQJph$h~hYN5B*CJOJQJphh~hYNCJH*OJQJhlQCJOJQJh~hYNCJOJQJh~hYN5CJOJQJhlQ56>*CJOJQJhS(A56>*CJOJQJ!h~hYN56>*CJOJQJhYN56>*CJOJQJ5 M N $$Ifa$gdT:$&dPa$gdYN$a$gdYN$&dPa$gdYN$a$gdYNgdYNM Q 9 : < = G S b h i k l o { | ɿӗӿtgtӿӿhlQhlQCJOJQJhhYNCJOJQJhT:CJOJQJhlQCJOJQJ^Jh~hYNCJOJPJQJhlQ5CJOJQJh~hYN5CJOJQJhYNCJOJQJhlQCJOJQJh~hYNCJOJQJ!h~hYNB*CJOJQJphhT:B*CJOJQJph( N ( * ¯tf\Nt\tCtCftftfhYN5CJOJQJh~hYNCJH*OJQJhlQCJOJQJh~hYN5CJOJQJh~hYNCJOJQJh~hYNCJOJPJQJhlQB*CJOJQJph!h~hYNB*CJOJQJph$h~hYN5B*CJOJQJphhlQ5B*CJOJQJphhYN5B*CJOJQJphhT:CJOJQJhYNCJOJQJhXCJOJQJ  $$Ifa$gdT:gkd$$IflF&1 t6    44 laytT:   / 3 $$Ifa$gdT:gkdv$$IflF&1 t6    44 laytT:3 4 5 e i $$Ifa$gdT:gkd$$IflF&1 t6    44 laytT:i j k ~ $$Ifa$gdT:gkdb$$IflF&1 t6    44 laytT: $$Ifa$gdT:gkd$$IflF&1 t6    44 laytT: $$Ifa$gdT:gkdN$$IflF&1 t6    44 laytT:  & ' ( $$Ifa$gdT:$a$gdYNgkd$$IflF&1 t6    44 laytT:( ) * s $$Ifa$gdT:gkd:$$IflF`&  t6    44 laytT:    $$Ifa$gdT:gkd$$IflF`&  t6    44 laytT:  z|}3yz4>Z]ڦhT: h~hYNCJOJQJmH sH hlQCJOJQJhlQ5CJOJQJhYNCJOJQJhYN5CJOJQJh~hYN5CJOJQJh~hYNCJOJQJ   Uyz $$Ifa$gdT:gkd&$$IflF`&  t6    44 laytT:z{|} $$Ifa$gdT:gkd$$IflF`&   t6    44 laytT:01[\]$a$gdYN$a$gdYNgkd $$IflF`&   t6    44 laytT:21h:pYN. 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