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Please complete the following: Name : _________________ Which year of your PhD are you in? &1 &2 &3 &4 &other (specify ) Presentation type: If yor abstract is not selected for an oral presentation, would you like it to be considered for a poster presentation? & YES & NO Please give details of previous oral presentations (max 5) (include date, name/location of conference, title): TitleA. N. Author,a A. N. Authorb* (Please underline presenting author)a Affiliation and address b Affiliation and address * Email: Abstract content PLEASE CONFORM TO THIS STYLE - FIGURES MAY BE ADDED WITHIN THIS BOX AS REQUIRED THE ABSTRACT MUST NOT EXCEED ONE A4 PAGE DO NOT CHANGE PAGE SET-UP SETTINGS Please complete the form and email it to marina.rubini@ucd.ie (as a Word file using your name as the filename) by the specified deadline%.09=>@ACFJKLMNxz{|®yhhThhh@&hIBhIB5OJPJQJmHnHu&hd;hd;5OJPJQJmHnHu hd;5OJPJQJmHnHu#h&]5H*OJPJQJmHnHu h&]5OJPJQJmHnHu#h&]h&]OJPJQJmHnHu&h&]h&]5OJPJQJmHnHu.h&]h&]5CJOJPJQJaJmHnHu(h&]5CJOJPJQJaJmHnHu hIB5OJPJQJmHnHuLM{|    / H I m ^ ` z $ & Fda$gdm$$d^a$gdIBm$$ & Fda$gdIBm$ $da$gd&] $da$gdIB  ! 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